read my poems readmypoems ReadMyPoems READMYCOCKINGPOEMS
This is what goes through every poet's head. Well, except those poets who write things and then lock them away in secret drawers beneath the microwave.
I keep a list. A dark and secret list of foul things I'd like to do to members of the general public. You can't see that one, but I also keep a list of my past publications so I can stalk myself and weep whilst sitting in a pile of my own excrement.
As you'll no doubt notice, being a smart bastard, the list is a little shady to begin with. I've also not bothered with some useful information such as ISBN numbers, so you'll just have to trust me that it's a real list and then send me that £20 you owe me.
THE LIST (oldest to most recent)
crap Love/Romance book
BBC Get Writing Anthology 2005
other crap book
manchester arts mag
sentinal poetry magazine, may 05
the voice (multiple)
the drum (multiple)
Jabberwocky x2 (winter, spring)
golden hour book
masters V book
Read This, issues 5/9
writer's dock children's book
Platform Magazine Nottingham (travel writing: California)
Earth Love (issue 29, nov 2008)
Equinox (sep 08 or mar 09)
First time Magazine (issue 55, 56 – march 2009?)
Fire (issue 32, winter 09/10)
Scintilla 13 (spring 2009)
Salopoet (december 2008, june 09)
Frogmore Papers (iss 74, September 09)
This Collection (film project 2009)
Carillon magazine (23, march 09, issue 24 june 09)
Southbank centre online
http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/ (equinox electronic form) (2009)
‘the last refuge’ – my chap book, aug 09
Golden hour 2 – sep 09
Aesthetica magazine – dec 09?
Russell Jones